Monday, June 9, 2014

Ministry Update - Spring 2014

After the winter that would never end, we've had a busy spring here in north east Missouri.

Sadly, I have practically no pictures because someone ::cough::Hudson::cough:: dropped and broke my camera.  Thankful for Best Buy's extended warranty as we were able to get another camera and warranty without spending any extra money.

March 2nd was Youth Sunday.  It almost didn't happen because of course it snowed that Saturday evening.  But we persevered.  Our youth taught all the Sunday School classes and led in the worship service.  It was great to see them stretched out of their comfort zone a bit to serve the Lord and his church.

March 30th - April 2nd the adults from the upcoming mission group from our church in Louisville came to get a visual on the work to be done.  That evening, we had members from most of our association's churches present to ask questions.  Then Monday and Tuesday we visited all the churches to get measurements and whatnot for construction needs and to get an idea of where to do VBS/Back Yard Bible Clubs.  It was such a blessing to see the smiling faces from Louisville.  It had been almost exactly a year since we had seen most of them.  Such an encouragement.

April 20th was Easter.  Our children and youth played special music that morning for the service.  Plus we had several visiting families.

May 4th I took the youth and children to visit one of our local nursing homes to be an encouragement to the residents there.  At this particular home, we have five church members in residence so they were so happy to see us and be prayed for.  It was super sweet.

May 11th, of course was Mother's Day.  James preached a fantastic sermon on living a reflective life based on the description of Mary in the gospels. All women in the church were given a journal.

Mother's Day, we also recognized our graduates.  There must have been a baby boom about 18 years ago, because between our church and the community there were 9 high school graduates! Each one received a card with money from the church and a copy of John Piper's Don't Waste Your Life from us.

Also this day (as if we could squeeze one more thing into the worship service) James received his license for gospel ministry in Missouri.

The next Sunday, the 18th was the high school graduation!

It's been a busy spring so far and the summer will be even busier:

- Church Camp (June 2-6)
- Parkland Mission Trip (July 6-11).  In our church they were redoing our ramp, updating the bathrooms, and replacing a piece of paneling in our lobby.  Plus we are doing two Back Yard Bible Clubs. One at the park in Williamstown and one at the park in Monticello, our neighboring town.
- James' ordination is set for Sunday, July 6th.
- We have in planning mode, ideas for a youth trip and more fun stuff.

Prayer Requests
- Deacon search committee.  When Bro. Bill died back in March, that left us with only one deacon.  Pray for James and Jim as they pray for the Lord to provide another deacon or two.
- Parkland Mission Trip - not only are they working at our church, but also at 6 other local churches.  They will be busy
- Back Yard Bible Clubs.  Pray for the Lord to provide children to attend and workers from our church.  
- James' ordination.  We will both be asked questions to determine James' qualifications for ordination.  I'm confident in our theology, just anxious about saying the wrong thing or saying the right thing wrongly.
- Pray specifically for D & L, the P family, the S family, and L, B, & K as we continue to share the gospel with them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you are happy to have warm weather after a long winter :) I know the Mission Trip will be such a blessing! To your church and community; but also for you two and the connection with your old church family. Can't wait to hear the summer update :)
    - Lora
